Indian Village Directory

Sawantwadi is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Sindhudurg District of Maharashtra. According to Census 2011 information Sawantwadi has a population of 147466 peoples. There are 35958 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Sawantwadi sub-district of Maharashtra state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Sawantwadi
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 55216 55216 72944
Female Population 56708 17814 74522
Households 27154 8804 35958
list of all Villages in Sawantwadi
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Nemale 1527.72 3015
Bhom 509 1546
Kolgaon 846 2618
Kunkeri 1249 1511
Ambegaon 1154 1163
Nirukhe 526 1930
Charathe 1074 2992
Brahmanpat 734.75 970
Malgaon 504.88 1913
Kumbharli 560.75 1635
Vetye 497.35 912
Sangeli 438 2855
Sawarwad 644.4 1231
Shirshinge 3151.96 1810
Gele 832 450
Amboli 5619 4004
Verle 2557.83 1754
Kalambist 1125.12 2005
Ovaliye 940.94 621
Madkhol 1943.49 3539
Kariwade 1448 3595
Bavlat 534.93 564
Satuli 438 768
Devsu 623.17 741
Parpoli 1945 593
Danoli 534.98 263
Kesari 1726 700
Fansavade 914.88 251
Kegad 2538 497
Nene 2117 632
Masure 2912 595
Chaukul 1590 1254
Bada 291.9 860
Kumbharwada 575.75 2406
Talavade 710 2620
Niravade 1428.41 2927
Sonurli 1188.12 1484
Nhaveli 1092 1879
Malewad 1394 2820
Ajgaon 546.35 2637
Dhakore 1088.5 1076
Kondure 145 360
Dandeli 755 1253
Aros 824 1283
Talawane 1016 1683
Gulduve 362 594
Tiroda 246.45 1204
Nanos 229.45 493
Bhatpavani 386.45 906
Aronda 495.48 2465
Kinale 285 507
Savarjuva 68.1 285
Otavane 1089.22 2625
Sarmale 1170 850
Dabhil 799.91 81
Udeli 735.82 8
Gharap 1463.03 283
Konas 716.65 487
Asniye 787.79 1027
Bhalawal 419.61 663
Vilavade 641.52 1332
Wafoli 661.24 1482
Insuli 1086.63 2457
Kshetrapal 1014 1816
Ronapal 582 617
Nigude 461.7 1164
Degave 1154.46 1501
Tamboli 1015.52 1742
Padve Majgaon 502.51 451
Padve 371 112
Dingne 996.78 844
Dongarpal 453.65 315
Netarde 672.39 990
Galel 257.59 359
Sherle 654.98 2330
Padlos 844 896
Madura 959 1789
Kas 583 1248
Satose 414 1187
Satarda 1324.1 2737
Sateli Tarf Satarda 569.95 784
Kavthani 496.37 1078

Map of Sawantwadi

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