Indian Village Directory

Jalaun is a district in the Uttar Pradesh state of India. Jalaun has a population of 1689974 peoples. There are 288338 houses in the district. Here, list of all sub-district / tehsils / blocks / C.D.Blocks in Jalaun district of Uttar Pradesh state, which have population and total number of village.
Populations and Households in Jalaun
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 683656 683656 906092
Female Population 587418 196464 783882
Households 216570 71768 288338
list of all sub-district / tehsils in Jalaun
Sub-District Total Population(2011) Total Village
Madhogarh 338320 256
Jalaun 283787 220
Kalpi 369860 240
Orai 396782 157
Konch 301225 278

Map of Jalaun

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