Indian Village Directory

Rongli is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the East District District of Sikkim. According to Census 2011 information Rongli has a population of 27741 peoples. There are 6054 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Rongli sub-district of Sikkim state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Rongli
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 11234 11234 14408
Female Population 10624 2709 13333
Households 4785 1269 6054
list of all Villages in Rongli
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Rolep 724.99 808
Lamaten 648.26 611
Lingtam 654.36 1347
Phadamchen 436.87 395
Premlakha 329.49 62
Singaneybas 531.88 54
Subanedara 550.35 1749
North Rhegoh 1506.16 1308
South Rhegoh 738.75 680
Changeylakha 194.98 649
Chujachen 777.14 4781
Dholepchen 598.95 2553
Sudunglakha 258.09 957
Mulukey 244.52 851
Tarpin 435.31 1858
Aritar 697.4 3175
Phadamchen Forest Block NA 0
Rongli Forest Block 9258.93 20
Rhenock Forest Block 2848.13 0

Map of Rongli

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