Indian Village Directory

Kantabanji is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Balangir District of Odisha. According to Census 2011 information Kantabanji has a population of 72115 peoples. There are 17363 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Kantabanji sub-district of Odisha state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Kantabanji
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 25028 25028 36286
Female Population 25268 10561 35829
Households 12476 4887 17363
list of all Villages in Kantabanji
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Karlabahali 452 1088
Dumerchuan 330 1333
Dabri 585 1642
Beherensilet 331 1177
Kurli 303 1565
Chatuanka 332 2533
Dangamara 245 826
Buromal 449 1045
Pakhanmunda 146 461
Jumutjuri 410 668
Dhumsu 165 854
Ghanamahul 235 676
Kukurahad 718 3188
Birna 278 588
Dhamandanga 653 1572
Kuliadarha 313 791
Karuamunda 284 577
Sargul 396 1109
Bagbahal 259 677
Barkani 412 848
Talchake 255 628
Chhatrang 331 1283
Jurabandh 257 857
Sangmara 318 731
Malpara 127 555
Sardhapur 157 337
Khujenbahal 276 839
Dangia 166 481
Degan 128 381
Telipadar 231 514
Sargigura 152 675
Andalpuri 247 414
Kandhabahal 285 714
Jamutjhula 629 1531
Bandhanpali 167 518
Kasamal 215 369
Rengali 344 550
Chaulsukha 393 1723
Pagania 230 677
Simnabahal 125 410
Baldas 214 540
Rajamara 456 1222
Bahaduki 123 325
Brahmani 493 1121
Barajura 289 403
Salepara 233 539
Gambharikhol 181 662
Muribahal 400 2801
Ghantabahali 266 918
Dumerpara 272 592
Siletpara 66 413
Sindhpali 126 395
Tentulikhunti 87 338
Lakhana 271 918
Hadahada 109 299
Gargarbhal 360 1405

Map of Kantabanji

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