Indian Village Directory

Guna is a district in the Madhya Pradesh state of India. Guna has a population of 1241519 peoples. There are 244401 houses in the district. Here, list of all sub-district / tehsils / blocks / C.D.Blocks in Guna district of Madhya Pradesh state, which have population and total number of village.
Populations and Households in Guna
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 486127 486127 649362
Female Population 442717 149440 592157
Households 185041 59360 244401
list of all sub-district / tehsils in Guna
Sub-District Total Population(2011) Total Village
Guna 405393 298
Bamori 172131 254
Raghogarh 160397 159
Maksoodangarh 117978 183
Kumbhraj 118804 150
Aron 139428 144
Chachaura 127388 150

Map of Guna

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