Indian Village Directory

Hosdurg is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Kasaragod District of Kerala. According to Census 2011 information Hosdurg has a population of 625641 peoples. There are 141353 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Hosdurg sub-district of Kerala state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Hosdurg
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 168681 168681 295859
Female Population 182804 146978 329782
Households 82241 59112 141353
list of all Villages in Hosdurg
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Pallikkara II 670 16618
Panayal 2811 19186
Chithari 1327 16074
Periya 3450 14077
Pullur 2859 15565
Bellur 2954 12181
Kodom 1972 6915
Kallar 5267 19414
Panathady 8877 22976
Balal 3724 9936
Maloth 5837 14660
West Eleri 2528 10656
Palavayal 2999 9923
Chittarikkal 3265 15152
Bheemanady 4198 15688
Parappa 4022 14137
Thayanur 3994 11955
Ambalathara 2522 9120
Madikai 2656 12930
Kinanoor 2733 9728
Karindalam 2037 6602
Cheemeni II 349 1324
Cheemeni 3668 8283
Kayyur 2055 6450
Kilayikode 714 3251
Thimiri 812 5511
Kodakkad 1684 10763
Padne 1306 21009
Udinoor 1257 11401

Map of Hosdurg

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