Indian Village Directory

Sampla is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Rohtak District of Haryana. According to Census 2011 information Sampla has a population of 123826 peoples. There are 23709 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Sampla sub-district of Haryana state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Sampla
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 55964 55964 66872
Female Population 47299 9655 56954
Households 19750 3959 23709
list of all Villages in Sampla
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Baliana(58) 1453 7697
Kheri Sadh(42) 799 5200
Nunond(43) 772 3207
Pakasma(57) 1261 6005
Kisranti(47) 494 1952
Morkheri(48) 717 3446
Samchana(28) 1412 6326
Hassangarh(29) 2146 6535
Bhainsru Kalan(30) 520 2716
Bhainsru Khurd(31) 477 3199
Naya Bans(33) 440 3085
Gijji(32) 661 3737
Dataur(45) 695 3607
Atail(46) 902 4392
Gandhra(44) 984 6197
Kehrawar(40) 1382 7415
Karaur(41) 514 2591
Chulliana(39) 1163 5405
Ismaila-11B(37) 1474 7826
Kultana(16) 728 3576
Ismaila 9-B(38) 1242 6005
Garhi Sampla(35) 507 3144

Map of Sampla

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