Indian Village Directory

Anklav is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Anand District of Gujarat. According to Census 2011 information Anklav has a population of 147108 peoples. There are 30128 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Anklav sub-district of Gujarat state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Anklav
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 65431 65431 76331
Female Population 60674 10103 70777
Households 25948 4180 30128
list of all Villages in Anklav
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Khadol (Haldari) 709.17 7496
Haldari 263.01 2680
Asodar 846.05 8972
Kanthariya 516.04 4084
Bhetasi Vanta 941.66 5304
Bhetasi (Talpad) 407.37 1520
Mujkuva 356.35 5557
Ambav 342.34 6257
Joshikuva 468.35 2058
Ambali 531.48 4556
Bhetasi Ba Bhag 451.9 4712
Bhanpura 278.87 1512
Kahanvadi 522.63 6394
Amrol 544.09 5268
Kosindra 731.34 3729
Lalpura 309.76 1735
Asarma 509.76 3678
Hathipura 313.48 2946
Navakhal 539.58 5368
Navapura 295.16 2483
Bilpad 411.66 3376
Jhilod 290.15 2061
Manpura 136.73 2140
Umeta 886.56 3689
Khadol (Umeta) 319.11 2010
Sankhyad 409.51 3181
Chamara 940.51 5005
Narpura 191.04 1563
Devapura 233.97 631
Gambhira 1567.14 7939
Bamangam 1474.17 8201

Map of Anklav

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