Indian Village Directory

Katekalyan is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Dakshin Bastar Dantewada District of Chhattisgarh. According to Census 2011 information Katekalyan has a population of 43335 peoples. There are 9415 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Katekalyan sub-district of Chhattisgarh state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Katekalyan
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 20737 20737 20737
Female Population 22598 0 22598
Households 9415 0 9415
list of all Villages in Katekalyan
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Gatam 956.31 1204
Mathadi 1008.34 841
Bengloor 843.24 1088
Katekalyan 471.69 2278
Lakharas 394.49 576
Badelekhapal 2600.98 2040
Kodaripal 219.97 269
Nayanar 825.07 465
Burdikarka 441.55 273
Dhanikarka 702.63 690
Nadiyapadar 52.55 20
Duwalikarka 715.47 539
Surnar 2718.55 2094
Chhotehadma Munda 174.53 165
Koriras 614.17 725
Chhote Bedma 504.71 419
Bade Bedma 1901.79 1755
Kidariras 153.71 121
Mokhpal 2135.91 1917
Mahrakarka 1249.09 751
Bhusaras 2916.17 1863
Dudhiras 998.18 569
Adpal 1005.02 555
Dodpal 275.99 287
Badegudra 4103.73 3615
Chhotegudra 1506.3 773
Atepal 1273.66 704
Tetam 1039.63 864
Telam 1385.49 1355
Jihakodta 799.59 414
Tumakpal 1606.76 1619
Gudase 3458.2 2708
Nadenar 301.23 654
Parcheli 2128.15 3012
Munaga 593.25 236
Chikpal 952.01 1047
Marjum 571.89 1682
Chhote Gadam 135.71 118
Badegadam 1168.56 691
Tongpal 545.53 455
Jangampal 543.52 710
Pratapgiri 371.54 553
Chhote Lakhapal 1034.53 621

Map of Katekalyan

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