Indian Village Directory

Mathavaram is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Thiruvallur District of Tamil Nadu. According to Census 2011 information Mathavaram has a population of 596156 peoples. There are 150990 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Mathavaram sub-district of Tamil Nadu state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Mathavaram
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 14752 14752 301303
Female Population 14608 280245 294853
Households 7597 143393 150990
list of all Villages in Mathavaram
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Vilangadupakkam 557.1 5668
Sirugavur 128.58 99
Ariyalur 307.41 2693
Kadapakkam 311.36 2941
Sadayankuppam 668.51 5348
Elandancheri 25.22 685
Kosapur 238.48 780
Chettimedu 58.21 0
Vadaperumbakkam 173.68 1682
Villakkupattu 14.79 0
PulliLyon 205.07 546
Payasambakkam 66.57 1097
Grant Lyon 176.16 3074
Thandalkalani 79.94 770
Alinjivakkam 53.98 1305
Vadagarai 49.3 2672
Sengundram 1982.65 0

Map of Mathavaram

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