Indian Village Directory

Podia is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Malkangiri District of Odisha. According to Census 2011 information Podia has a population of 28264 peoples. There are 6421 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Podia sub-district of Odisha state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Podia
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 14039 14039 14039
Female Population 14225 0 14225
Households 6421 0 6421
list of all Villages in Podia
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Pegadapalli 1544 602
Batanawada 874 451
Materu 1733 1301
Kunjharguda 0 397
Itaguda 327 60
Parsanpalli 1576 891
Cheruguda 964 645
Niliguda 945 813
Nunurguda 0 126
Durumaguda 0 153
Ramaguda 0 173
Uskalbag 1076 576
Nandiwada 820 555
Daranpalli 733 550
Iralgonda 1025 777
Deoguda 0 40
Khillaguda 0 105
Erbanpalli 2472 1484
Silakota 746 536
Gandhiguda 0 0
Rodanpalli 493 378
Pangata 413 415
Venchanpalli 626 371
Podia 2802 5570
Kunchanpalli 1216 1320
Kaladapalli 562 460
Kolaganda 1532 1478
Udaygiri 878.4 1275
Kapanpalli 708 621
M.P.V.-56 172 1030
Supulur 931 1526
Bapanpali 1500 1433
Polur 217 164
Gotanpali 908 1384
Peruwai 325 360
Kotaguda 104 244

Map of Podia

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