Indian Village Directory

M.V. 79 is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Malkangiri District of Odisha. According to Census 2011 information M.V. 79 has a population of 43705 peoples. There are 9750 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in M.V. 79 sub-district of Odisha state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in M.V. 79
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 21881 21881 21881
Female Population 21824 0 21824
Households 9750 0 9750
list of all Villages in M.V. 79
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Kurti 1642 1862
Wallampali 2305 2087
Tamanpalli 1324 1626
Murubanpali 532 1905
Girikanpali 1456 1555
Tigal 2573 5203
Jabanpalli 545 861
Pedawara 703 596
Telarai 1294 2206
Jakalgandi 733 1386
Idigunda 326 116
Nalagunti 1242 3242
Rajanguda 0 140
Bhubanpalli 1908 2312
Madhusudan Pally MPV-73 0 1006
Ginipalli 736 717
Pendalbai 66 553
Putumpali 566 807
Semilibencha 1203 1992
Gorakhapali 1437 965
Katanpali 106 494
Tandabai 312 1560
Biliguda 199 1164
Tokelguda 36 305
Lachipeta 1813 4521
Kunanpali 1432 2571
Doganda 325 176
Oramgura 0 257
Billigura 0 864
Idikonda 0 449
Mangipalli 0 108
Kandalgura 0 99

Map of M.V. 79

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