Indian Village Directory

Motu is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Malkangiri District of Odisha. According to Census 2011 information Motu has a population of 34876 peoples. There are 7909 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Motu sub-district of Odisha state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Motu
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 17403 17403 17403
Female Population 17473 0 17473
Households 7909 0 7909
list of all Villages in Motu
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Kandapally 362 799
Peta 240 635
Laxmanguda 0 40
Mesaguda 0 24
Nuaguda 0 31
MPV - 78 72 354
Bapanguda 0 162
Silaguda 0 35
Reddipal 0 65
MPV - 57 97 229
Lachhipuram 0 107
Uruballi 184 598
Koikonda 661 1629
Maharajpalli 887 1848
Lugel 1134 2525
Phulkonkonda 1645 1531
Pendikonda 127 1070
Engulukunda (R.F.) 0 0
Singrajkota 163 155
Potteru 1007 1800
Manyamkonda 880 641
Manyankunda ( R.F.) 0 0
Tendraspaly 215 1298
Kadamaliguda 0 67
Sarbanpaly 40 1164
Basantinagar 0 1983
Krushnanagar 0 2190
Pusuguda 562 439
Rambharam 0 187
MPV - 55 63 932
Muraliguda 164 315
Alma 170 387
Binayakpur 202 454
Baribancha 28 18
Motu 144 1171
Katagura 98 213
Madiguru 112 200
Pusuguda (R.F.) 172 615
Sunabeda 0 60
Kamalpuram 0 184
Mukanpalli 52 230
Goreshpalli 105 271
Malabharam 367 2245
Anantapalli 195 975
Tindraspally 129 0
Kantabanjiguda 0 0
Kusumput 0 164
Padampur 0 188
Penkurai 129 99
Togurkota 295 276
Eraganda 55 0
Poluru 759 470
Dopenkonda 371 212
Kushanapaly 140 354
Nilakota 117 409
Berenpalli 183 111
MPV -81 809.72 2717

Map of Motu

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