Indian Village Directory

Jodamba is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Malkangiri District of Odisha. According to Census 2011 information Jodamba has a population of 14669 peoples. There are 3202 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Jodamba sub-district of Odisha state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Jodamba
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 7241 7241 7241
Female Population 7428 0 7428
Households 3202 0 3202
list of all Villages in Jodamba
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Totaguda 120 110
Jantri 201 452
Dhakadpadar 259 266
Dabuguda 189 152
Aralipada 96 75
Taber 126 240
Nanamanjari 342 167
Mariveda 0 84
Sanyasiguda 176 155
Bhajaguda 57 21
Sadaram 194 70
Kodigandhi 562 399
Tentulipader 51 25
Tikarpoda 58 37
Bachilipadar 338 170
Arapadar 227 354
Ghusumpadar 160 239
Ramaguda 387 98
Damagad 793 111
Kodalibandha 59 17
Andirapali 531 295
Dangarpadar 135 174
Ghanabeda 495 268
Panasput 377 1057
Kumudaguda 113 208
Tabalaguda 134 114
Kusumaput 93 74
Salganput 0 73
Goilikhari 328 217
Handikhal 382 410
Malaput 361 181
Tankuguda 160 122
jamuguda 227 446
Singoi 230 430
Bejingi 212 290
Mukudupali 173 336
Gorasethu 0 179
Matikhala 105 95
Mundiguma 72 130
Tutugumi 37 76
Sindiput 144 271
Khajuriguda 1094 341
Bihanagudi 345 232
Daraguda 89 27
Podakhala 132 21
Palasapader 237 59
Panapader 139 90
Panaspadar 273 72
Kutunipadar 0 92
Santalepader 120.22 21
Nilaram 173 66
Badtalpadar 453 21
Nuaguda 321 36
Bhitardarlabeda 531 42
Karenjaguda 181.05 7
Kusumput 93 27
Darlabeda 334 391
Gaudaput 24 37
Similipader 308 202
ladiguda 186 66
jampurulu 281 90
Jajpalama 303 142
Gajalgumi 344 98
Janturai 244 203
Tarabeda 182 245
Kumbhipatiaguda 28 128
Jodamba 317 306
Kunturpader 160 244
Tikarpada 318 107
Gopinathguda 206 111
Nuaguda 321 236
Hanjariaguda 113 116
Tentapali 1178 357
Kadaput 347 16
Panasgandhi 173 47
Sutugandhi 0 137
Sitagandhi 0 55
Gajalmamudi 337 481
Elampanka 368 352
Tumulumamudi 512 183
Doliamba 302 54
Bandoguda 452 137
Ranginiguda 152 184
Kharimala 0 102

Map of Jodamba

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