Indian Village Directory

Solapur North is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Solapur District of Maharashtra. According to Census 2011 information Solapur North has a population of 1057352 peoples. There are 209953 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Solapur North sub-district of Maharashtra state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Solapur North
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 55267 55267 536331
Female Population 50527 470494 521021
Households 21450 188503 209953
list of all Villages in Solapur North
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Bhagaiwadi 388.57 778
Kouthali 1851.01 3055
Sakharewadi 739 566
Kalman 2592 3958
Darphal (Gawadi) 1254 2965
Wangi 334 984
Padsali 1379 2273
Inchgaon 281 0
Wadala 1653.81 5144
Ranmasle 3051.34 3777
Mohitewadi 284 391
Nannaj 3241 7587
Narotewadi 231 1252
Sevalalnager 791.65 602
Honsal 1090.34 1464
Raleras 236 949
Taratgaon 355.75 391
Mardi 2565.98 6251
Akolekati 1872 3430
Darfal (Bibi) 3439 7106
Karamba 1433 3228
Gulwanchi 634 2607
Bhogaon 669 2131
Banegaon 1741.39 2245
Ekrukh 551 1270
Haglur 855.6 2344
Hipparge 2420 4825
Kondi 1974.15 6819
Khed 423.53 1157
Pakani 1636 3905
Shivani 500.27 930
Hiraj 1262 3136
Tirhe 1263 4762
Pathari 2012 1857
Telgaon 964 1483
Belati 1034 2002
Kawathe 669 3021
Dongaon 1284 2832
Bhatewadi 294.12 634
Nandur 1011 1332
Samshapur 152.73 351

Map of Solapur North

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