Indian Village Directory

Ellenabad is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Sirsa District of Haryana. According to Census 2011 information Ellenabad has a population of 132266 peoples. There are 24358 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Ellenabad sub-district of Haryana state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Ellenabad
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 50294 50294 69735
Female Population 45349 17182 62531
Households 17548 6810 24358
list of all Villages in Ellenabad
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Thobaria(119) 1243 3677
Talwara Khurd-1 (120) 3337 8399
Amritsar(129) 1792 4542
Mirzapur(125) 741 2009
Budhi Mari(130) 311 1077
Patti Kirpal(133) 634 513
Moju Khera(132) 1141 3096
Mamera(131) 1491 4357
Ellenabad (Rural)(118) 4662 7833
Berwala Khurd(116) 981 3217
Dhol Palia(115) 818 4082
Neemla(114) 1436 3822
Mithanpur(112) 2610 3410
Karamsana(113) 1453 2036
Dhani Jatan(117) 1957 4031
Khari Surera(Part)(111) 1658 3272
Mithi Surera(110) 2015 3752
Phorka (Pohrakan)(109) 3422 6070
Shekhu Khera(134) 481 716
Himayun Khera(135) 759 848
Moosli(108) 204 458
Bhurat Wala(106) 2595 5119
Chilkani Dhab(105) 1357 2260
Mehna Khera(104) 548 2304
Kumbhthal(327) 1281 2102
Ratta Khera(326) 613 2076
Kuta Budh(107) 1661 4827
Keshopura(101) 775 2741
Kotli(102) 320 766
Umedpura(103) 1120 2231

Map of Ellenabad

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