Indian Village Directory

Garbada is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Dohad District of Gujarat. According to Census 2011 information Garbada has a population of 198879 peoples. There are 29325 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Garbada sub-district of Gujarat state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Garbada
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 99978 99978 99978
Female Population 98901 0 98901
Households 29325 0 29325
list of all Villages in Garbada
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Matwa 1279.03 5506
Vajelav 682.92 5077
Nelsur 465.6 4865
Jesawada 356.64 5116
Abhlod 1594.38 15969
Pandadi 873.09 4994
Devdha 540.94 6112
Panchwada 358.36 2709
Sahada 675.59 3858
Tunki Anop 365.15 1947
Nadhelav 1289.68 11837
Vadva 551.68 4791
Ambli 751.02 5765
Chharchhoda 638.66 6065
Bhe 1092.12 8421
Patiya 584.8 7586
Dadur 253.46 1976
Nandva 292.67 2478
Bharsada 620.07 3845
Tunki Vaju 1404.55 6642
Nalwai 367.3 3977
Simaliya Bujarg 878.72 5734
Boriyala 1320.62 7944
Gangarda 588.26 5433
Gulbar 302.11 4144
Jambua 575.41 3149
Nimach 522.97 2717
Garbada 2279.92 22691
Gangardi 218.7 2746
Chandla 695.92 3621
Minakyar 603.73 4125
Bhutardi 144.37 1155
Patiya Zol 269.4 1555
Zari Bujarg 2702.37 14329

Map of Garbada

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