Indian Village Directory

Chhindgarh is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Dakshin Bastar Dantewada District of Chhattisgarh. According to Census 2011 information Chhindgarh has a population of 79672 peoples. There are 17577 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Chhindgarh sub-district of Chhattisgarh state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Chhindgarh
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 38599 38599 38599
Female Population 41073 0 41073
Households 17577 0 17577
list of all Villages in Chhindgarh
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Dabba 2172.76 1059
Pusgunna 1456.43 722
Kunna 3311.72 2088
Dhanikodta 903.34 560
Kundanpal 2529.61 1504
Phandiwar 318.59 234
Chuleras 286.32 390
Doleras 472.22 459
Garipal 1359.16 735
Michwar 1634.92 1001
Gorli 1436.55 869
Nayanar 785.27 651
Pendalnar 435.41 562
Itagupha 140.23 60
Irpa 552.49 336
Mundum 452.66 274
Mahima 174.35 185
Keratong 689.95 470
Mutheli 746.63 252
Rasawaya 461.06 292
Palem 1120.94 825
Sadrapal 705.74 584
Kawarakopa 1012.49 1059
Sagunghat 796.27 818
Tongpal 376.06 3481
Hamirgarh 1675.31 1434
Jaimer 779.46 725
Permaras 371.71 567
Marenga 679.92 1297
Litiras 718.91 1381
Leda 886.11 1553
Mundwal 511.46 362
Badanpal 405.57 670
Kokalpal 322.08 469
Kumakoleng 855.77 1366
Chidpal 663.18 937
Chitalnar 1291.51 1658
Chiurwada 719.86 928
Kikirpal 1091.74 1583
Tumakpal 284.91 414
Oler 733.07 778
Netanar 762.81 827
Jangampal 658.67 503
Puspal 385.48 1198
Kindarwada 868.83 1291
Surrepal 478.13 342
Mekhawaya 1486.16 1340
Talnar 1657.44 2566
Gumma 1671.16 2347
Sitapal 851.6 523
Kodripal 849.92 1210
Kawasiras 1268.14 1053
Ganjenar 1803.64 2129
Pujaripal 454.56 571
Chhindgarh 1421.38 4652
Chhuragatta 274.41 361
Patinaikaras 649.89 809
Dhobanpal 1095.58 910
Urmapal 2669.18 2443
Gudra 1362.15 1373
Bakulaghat 273.15 494
Reddipal 547.27 459
Andumpal 1476.16 670
Rokel 2334.95 1946
Ratinaikras 128.79 346
Kanjipani 660.96 1131
Chipurpal 562.33 1110
Chikaras 100.57 144
Pakela 3414.22 3680
Birsatpal 1041.93 869
Hikmiras 596.61 548
Pondum 3255.58 1721
Choupel 802.95 338
Murrepal 916.5 616
Atkariras 1709.38 2109
Bhandarras 159.5 142
Udlatarai 372.68 567
Rajamunda 489 742

Map of Chhindgarh

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