Indian Village Directory

Banekuchi is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Nalbari District of Assam. According to Census 2011 information Banekuchi has a population of 40559 peoples. There are 8228 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Banekuchi sub-district of Assam state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Banekuchi
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 20982 20982 20982
Female Population 19577 0 19577
Households 8228 0 8228
list of all Villages in Banekuchi
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Sandheli 236.49 1334
Kaithalkuchi 635.26 3831
Bechimari 253.39 936
Jawardi 242.59 2113
Khata Numbarbhog 81.95 543
Madhupur 144.99 1154
Kharsitha 140.49 951
Balizar 245.69 1351
Baushipara 170.18 920
Bangnabari 270.75 1409
Kathalbari 268.55 1770
Suplekuchi 226.75 1286
Kendukuchi 286.51 2390
Kachimpur 707 4996
Taumura 170.73 1337
Khukhundi 246.61 1795
Banbhag Solmari 265.93 1883
Buri Nagar 408.4 2555
Danguapara 290.13 2305
Barkhetri Banekuchi 206.63 1595
Niz-Banekuchi 105.33 360
Barnagar Banekuchi 278.44 2462
Rajakhat Banekuchi 253.23 1283

Map of Banekuchi

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